I’ve made fun of millenials in the past and no one freaked out because they’re not boomers. Here is a song I did called “advice for millennials.”

The comments in this thread are peak “boomer brain.” They truly can’t help themselves.
And now that joe Rogan publicly admits no one went to the moon, I wonder if his little ass is gonna do a public apology to me about saying I ate a pot brownie and “ruined my life.”
I was…

“How dare you!!! It’s not all boomers!!! I’ve been a fan for years and now I’m out!!!!”

Did you think all blacks stole my bike? If you’ve actually been a fan of mine for years you’ve heard me do jokes about how all blacks need to apologize for my bike getting stolen. So that was…

When the boomer doesn’t get his pension or social security I want the government to just send them a note that says “we don’t owe you anything, pull yourself up by your bootstraps” with an empty bottle of viagra.
Cuz the fun is about to end. And then we will see how they really…

Hey boomers, where were you when I was mocking the blacks, the gays, the pajeets, the Jews, short men, Canadians, English, Irish, Chinese, pandas, Japanese, Samoans, Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, mega churches, dudes in jorts, cripples, Hindus, Buddhists, and on and on.
Now the…

The same people who mock the youth and claim they’re owed nothing and to work for it themselves, believe we collectively owe them 170 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities so they can travel the world with a full bottle of viagra.

The system has found only one cure to boomer…

In the same convo with a boomer, he will brag about a threesome he had in the 70’s, how he screwed a guy over at work, and that he can’t wait to meet Jesus.
They’re remarkable people. It’s like their brains are smushed bananas.

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